Client: Mayo Chiropractic

Campaign Goals: Increase Brand Awareness & New Client Acquisition

Project Brief: Mayo Chiropractic, a clinic in San Diego wanted to increase their Brand Awareness and Increase New Clients with a promotional offer. Below, I explain my strategic approach on how I helped them reach their campaign goals.


+ In the first 30 days, I increased their FB reach by 3.5k% and IG reach by 6.6k% and I increased FB page likes by 200% and IG followers by 170%

+ They got 50 new leads for their offer

Skills: Target Audience Researcher, Copy Writer, Video Editor, Facebook Business Manager, Media Buyer

Softwares Used: Premiere Pro

Below, I outlined my work flow and creative process to demonstrate how I plan strategies, make decisions and arrive at solutions.


Define Strategy

With a clear goal provided by the Client all set in place, I conceptualized a paid ads campaign to increase Brand Awareness & New Client Aquisition.

The strategy was quite simple: To produce a series of videos that can be used for organic social media marketing as well as a paid ads campaign to capture new leads contact information and book appointments.


Identify Target Client

To conceptulize the video itself, the script and the copy, I asked important questions that gave me insights on their target client's demographics and psychographics.

"Who am I trying to reach?"

"Who are Mayo Chiropractic's ideal clients?"

One of Mayo Chiropractic's Unique Selling Proposition is that they believe in treating the whole being: emotional, physical and spiritual- they don't just focus on pain management.

Understanding this helped me create videos that are designed to attract and resonate with that segment of their target market.


Create Videos

With their target client in mind, I arranged video footage provided by Mayo Chiropractic, wrote copy for the voice over and on screen captions, and chose music that would best reach that audience.


Run As Paid Ads

Once the videos were approved by my client, I set up paid ads campaigns using Facebook Ads Manager.

I chose the campaign objective, wrote the headline and copy, set the target audience settings to align with our objectives and we were off to the races.