Project: Social Media Marketing Strategy

Campaign Goals: To increase the number of people who fill out the Adoption Intake Form on Instagram

Project Brief: This was a passion project for Cat Town, an Adoption Center and Cat Cafe in Oakland Ca. I came across their job posting for a Social Media Coordinator and decided to use that as an invitation to brainstorm some strategies I would implement if I were to get the role.

Skills: Strategy, Graphic Design, Information Communication Design, Copywriting

Softwares Used: Photoshop, Canva

Below, I outlined my workflow and creative process to demostrate my ability to problem solve and break down complex goals into more managable and actionable steps.


Define Goals

At the beginning of every project, I like to identify what goals a business or organization has that can be accomplished with the use of social media + content marketing.

Typically, this is the point I would collaborate with the team leads and ask plenty of discovery questions to come up with the list of goals together. But since I did this as a passion project, I had to rely on researching their website and social media accounts to uncover potential goals.

Goals I Uncovered:

1) To increase the number of people who fill out the Adoption Intake Form

2) To increase the number of people who visit their Adoption Center

3) To increase the number of adoptions

4) To increase the number of donations


Observe + Gain


The first goal I chose to focus on was: To increase the number of people who fill out the Adoption Intake Form.

Before I can come up with effective strategies to achieve this goal, I had to better understand the current landscape of what's working well for them and what could be improved.To gain clarity, I asked myself questions like:

"Who's their target audience that they're trying to reach with their content?"

"How are they currently using social media to encourage people to fill out their form?"

"Is their IG and website set up optimally to make it easy for people to fill out their form?"


What's Working Well

Upon going on their website and IG, I quickly noticed how AMAZING the photos are of their furry friends as well as the beautifully written bios of each cat.

Potential Problems

+ Long captions such as these often go unread

+ Without reading the caption, the photo itself provides zero context. The photos don't let people know that this isn't just another cute cat picture.

+ The action they want people to take: "Complete the Adoption Inquiry Form" is located at the very bottom of the caption that people have to click and expand to see.

+ Some of these posts don't let people know where to find the form and the posts that do are also located at the very end of the caption.


Prototype Solution

This is one strategy that I came up with that can help Cat Town meet their larger goals to: Increase Number of Adoption Intake Form, Increase Number of Adoption Center Visits and Increase Number of Adoptions.

My observations gave way to design a strategy that would more effectively help Cat Town showcase their available cats that are up for adoption and encourage more people to fill out their intake form.

I decided to create a custom template that Cat Town can repurpose and reuse for all future adoption posts with minimal effort. The design displays information in a more intentional, easy and fun way to read.



My Thought Process:

I wanted to display the cats' bios without taking up space in the captions. That way, the direct Call to Action "Go to our link in bio and fill out the Adoption Form" can be displayed in the captions.

This will ideally increase the number of people who fill out the form on Instagram.